
Dog Training For Your MMP Doodle

Last updated on August 7, 2023

By Eric Schlabach

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  • Dog Training For Your MMP Doodle

If we told you, after all this time of searching for a high quality, step-by-step training program for both You And your Doodle, that we've actually found one, would that interest you?


A Better Way To Train Your Doodle Puppy

In the years we've been raising Doodles, one of our most common questions was: "How can I train my Doodle to do 'X' ?"

Unfortunately, we really didn't have much to offer, besides our own experiences, and YouTube. But what if we told you we found 'The One'? The training program that's actually Affordable AND gets results?

Don't get me wrong.

There's many, many trainers and dog training programs out there. Some good, some not so good.

The problem?

The good ones, the ones that actually get results? Exorbitantly expensive! Not to mention ongoing monthly fees.

The not-so-good dog training programs? Don't even  me started. Bottom line, why would you pay good money for something that doesn't even work?

What if there was a better way? That's what we asked ourselves. 

A way that's inexpensive, AND effective?

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What if there was a better way? A way that's inexpensive AND effective?

Good News For DIY Doodle Trainers

The good news?

A training program as described above Does Exist!

In this post, we want to introduce you to it. We will list the compelling reasons you Need this program if you plan to be training your own Doodle puppy at home.

online puppy/Dog training and support

In short, their easy-to-use and fun-to-follow online dog training program, provides everything you will need to successfully train your new Doodle puppy.

Yes, this program is entirely online, to watch and work through on Your schedule, re-watch the parts you need help with, Plus one-on-one with a  real, live, trainer whenever you need it.

You will achieve better animal ownership and experience the very best in canine companionship!

The program itself?

We'll get to that, but first, an introduction to the owner and founder is in order...

Amy Jenson, the dog training expert!

Meet The Founder, Amy Jenson

Professional Educator, Trainer, Wife & Mother

We'll let Amy tell her story in her own words:

"I am blessed to be able to strategically combine this lifelong passion with my background, in both education and curriculum development, in order to effectively teach and efficiently train inside the dog world.

I have years of experience in the animal training world. In addition to currently training puppies for everyday family life, educating individuals through the use of my online puppy school and working one-on-one with clients in their homes, I have completed a semester of study in Animal Science at Utah State University, spent nine months training puppies at Puppy Steps Training in Northern Utah, apprentice trained for 18 months at Good Dog! Autism Companions and am now a professional service dog trainer for their organization.

I have learned so many things through these experiences and love sharing my knowledge with others in ways that will help those around me be better puppy parents. I am also an AKC CGC Evaluator, professional member of the Association of Professional Dog Trainers (APDT) and the International Association of Animal Behavior Consultants (IAABC), committed to using science-based, positive and force-free training methods. I train without the use of force, pain, fear, or intimidation.

In addition to the things listed above, I strongly believe in life-long learning and am currently enrolled in a Masters training program to enhance methods, improve materials and build better relationships throughout the future!"

The Puppy Training Company

Long story short:

Through it all, Amy considered how she could have an even bigger influence for good. Her goal was to be able to send home resources and materials with every trained dog she worked with.

This would allow the family to continue the training that had been taught, and understand more completely the education their puppy received while in her care.

With this goal in mind, Amy and her husband started a company, calling it BAXTER & Bella.

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A core belief of the BAXTER & Bella program is helping you successfully build positive and respective relationships with your puppy. They believe in helping you work toward becoming best friends through love and learning.

So What Is Inside The Training?

It consists of more than 75 step-by-step lessons, covering a large variety of basic to advanced training. Plus over 100 how-to videos, and numerous printable charts & checklists.

In addition, as well as lifetime access to many other supporting resources, their team of puppy parenting professionals are committed to helping you successfully integrate your new canine companion into your life, family and home.

They even include unlimited one-on-one video-enabled video coaching, phone calling, events, classes, and courses too!

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We've Partnered With BAXTER & Bella to Offer Training For Our Clients

For us, it was pretty much a no-brainer.

Not only is it highly-comprehensive, LIFE-TIME support and online access, its actually affordable for our clients!

One would expect to spend thousands for this level of home training.

But it's not $8,000. (Typical cost of a professional trainer) It's not $3,000. Or $1,000.

In fact it's not even $500.

This outrageously underpriced program is Less than $250 One-Time for LIFE. 

But there's more. As an official partner, we get to help you save even more: 25% more that is!

When you become a member and use our coupon code: MMP25, you'll receive an additional 25% OFF your purchase!

Learn More About The Puppy Training Program

By now you're probably thinking. Just Shut-up and take my money already!

Not so fast. 😉

Instead of sending you to a checkout page, we're sending you to a page with a full video. Along with the video, is a complete overview of what you're getting.

Who this program is for.

All the goodies included inside.


Why Are You Sending Me There?

We want to make sure this will be a good fit for you. We want you to be able to see Exactly what your expectations should be when purchasing this program.

We want you to be able to see with your own eyes, what others are saying about the BAXTER & Bella training program.

Most of all, we want you to read and hear directly from the "horse's mouth", from Amy herself, how she will be Equipping you to successfully train your Doodle.

The Effective AND Affordable Puppy Training Program

Join Now!

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About the author

Eric is a professional web designer, and copywriting geek, and a frequent contributor to the Mountain Meadow Puppies blog. He resides in Texas where he is the owner of Troyer Websites of Texas, a full-service digital marketing company.

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